
solobrand goes to university
The University of Cologne is one of the largest and most successful universities in the country. This is confirmed not least by the top result of the excellence competition of the ABC region (Aachen, Bonn, Cologne). solobrand is particularly pleased to support the University of Cologne in a new project with all of our know-how from brand consulting, name development / name finding and brand research.

Brand architecture for Folkwang
The renowned Folkwang University of the Arts has united the most varied of artistic directions and disciplines under one roof since 1927, with its locations in Essen, Duisburg, Bochum and Dortmund. 1,400 students are artistically trained at the highest level in music, theater, dance, design and science, for some years again with the Folkwanglers from photography, communication design and industrial design.

Hochschulen bei solobrand
Wir freuen uns über neue Kunden aus dem Hochschulbereich: Gleich zwei große Universitäten vertrauen auf unsere Markenexpertise.